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The PowerScore LSAT PodCast

Logic Games Bible author Dave Killoran (@davekilloran) and PowerScore Test Prep VP Jon Denning (@jonmdenning) are two of the world’s foremost experts on the LSAT and law school admissions, and they’ve created the PowerScore LSAT PodCast to share their knowledge and experience with you! Topics will range from specific LSAT concepts and strategies to test changes and updates to admissions advice and frequently-asked student questions, so be sure to (1) subscribe, (2) rate and review us, and (3) email us with any questions or concerns you’d like for us to cover. We look forward to hearing from you!

Dec 12, 2019

Jon and Dave explore the continuing saga that is the November 2019 LSAT. Specifically they outline how the multiple make up exams have played out, from the initial reschedules to this past weekend’s retakes. They also offer some words of encouragement for those whose November didn’t go to plan, whether that means a December make up or a test date pushed to next year (spoiler: don’t fret; you’re going to be okay, and Dave and Jon explain precisely why).